5 Main Movement Patterns

Are you incorporating these five movements into your program?

Our bodies obviously move in lots of different ways and should not be restricted to these five, however when it comes to a Strength Training program these should be Staples.

🔻Hinge: hip dominant (deadlifts, bridges)

🔻Squat: Knee dominant (Single leg, lateral)

🔻Push: Vertical & horizontal (pushups/ overhead press)

🔻Pull: Vertical & Horizontal (pull-ups, cable pulldown, rows)

🔻Carry: Single sided/ front loaded (farmers, suitcase, front rack)

I think a 6th should be rotation, but that’s for another day.

While the focus of a program depends on your goals/weaknesses, these should all be included in a well-balanced plan.

Need some guidance in that area?

I’m working on a full comprehensive training guide that will walk you through the hows and whys of creating your own plan- first 5 people to send me a DM will get 50% off!

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Hi, I'm Brooke

Women’s Functional Nutritionist & Fitness Specialist along with CEO of Elysian Women’s Wellness.

God, family, fitness – in that order.  Fitness isn’t my job, it’s my passion. My favorite things include traveling the world, being a mama and making a difference.  

14 years of experience in the wellness industry has brought me to an understanding that when you’re ready – you’ll do it. So when you are, we’re here to keep you simply well.


The last “program” you’ll ever buy. Your individualized training & nutrition plan that teaches the why & how to create lasting changes with me by your side every step of the way!


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Level 0, 1, 2 & 3: Level Up your workouts with beginner to advanced plans designed with a focus lift each month, progressive overload, instructional videos & all inclusive training & nutrition guides.

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