We have our week laid out and exercises chosen. But how many do I do?!?! A lot of studies have been done at this point on ranges of repetition and what they achieve. I’m going to make it simple with the table below.


Max Strength 1-5

Power 1-8

Muscular Endurance 15-25

Hypertrophy 6-20+

Let’s break this down.


Lift heavy shit and get strong as hell. These lower rep ranges obviously allow you to move heavier weights. Your RPE with these should be about an 8-9/10, working at 75-95% of your 1RM. You’re only doing 5 reps max so leaving any more than 1-2 in the tank is really short-changing your workout. Exercises using these rep ranges are usually the big compound lifts (bench, deadlift, squat, row, hip thrust) also power exercises like plyometrics and slams.


Move heavy shit fast. Power = load & speed. The more powerful you are, the faster you can move your body/weight. These sets are about 100% effort for short periods of time. Once you start getting fatigued and slowing down the movements, you’re training the wrong muscles. Stay in a low enough rep range that you maintain the performance.


Lift/run/move heavy shit for longer. Improving your muscular endurance increases your lactate threshold (build-up of lactic acid in the muscle) which decreases the rate of recovery for heavier lifts and can improve your running or other cardiovascular exercises. These lifts are usually around 50% of your 1RM and have shorter rest times (1-2 mins). Exercises using these rep ranges are usually more accessory lifts or body part splits such as bicep curls, and leg extensions.


Get buff. This is the golden ticket everyone wants. “Tone”, “firm”, “look like I workout”, etc. Call it what you want, but in reality, you want to increase muscle size. There are some old misconceptions about this because new science has shown us that there isn’t one set rep range for this. It used to be 8-12 reps was the “hypertrophy range” but as new studies come out, we’re finding that it’s less about the reps and more about your MECHANICAL LOAD UNDER TENSION that affects the size development of muscles. That being said, we need a wide variety of rep ranges to help stimulate all muscle fiber types to grow at the most optimal rate, which means that incorporating all the rep ranges as well as slower tempos into your plan whether that’s in phases, or all at once is going to be the best way to increase muscle size. The volume also plays a big role in hypertrophy which we’ll get into later.

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Hi, I'm Brooke

Women’s Functional Nutritionist & Fitness Specialist along with CEO of Elysian Women’s Wellness.

God, family, fitness – in that order.  Fitness isn’t my job, it’s my passion. My favorite things include traveling the world, being a mama and making a difference.  

14 years of experience in the wellness industry has brought me to an understanding that when you’re ready – you’ll do it. So when you are, we’re here to keep you simply well.


The last “program” you’ll ever buy. Your individualized training & nutrition plan that teaches the why & how to create lasting changes with me by your side every step of the way!


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