Creatine 101

Creatine is probably the closest thing to steroids I’ll ever use…😬

I’ve only taken one supplement consistently pretty much my entire lifting career, and that’s creatine.


A substance found in muscle cells.  It can be produced by specific amino acids (protein) and is stored in phosphocreatine.


It increases the bodies stores of phosphocreatine helping produce ATP (muscles energy source).

As the most studied and effective supplement on the market the payoff is more than worth it IMO given that it’s relatively inexpensive.

Keep in mind, ITS NOT MAGIC.

You still have to put the work in, but it’ll give you a little boost on the life bar as you get through your workout.

⬆️work capacity
⬆️ work


3-5g/day of CREATINE MONOHYDRATE is the general dosage recommendation. Some will tell you to do a loading phase of 5-10g/day for a week, but studies have found that it’s not necessary and can sometimes cause bloating and gastrointestinal distress. Make sure what you’re taking is only monohydrate, as other types have been marketed as better thus more expensive, but studies say otherwise.

SIDE EFFECTS are extremely rare but some people experience bloating and discomfort. You can try taking a smaller dose, eating prior to taking it, or you may just be someone who shouldn’t take creatine.


I don’t know I’m not your doctor. Do some more research on your own and make the decision.

Don’t hog all the gains, share this with your gym crew!

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Hi, I'm Brooke

God, family, fitness – in that order.  Fitness isn’t my job, it’s my passion. My favorite things include traveling the world, being a momma and making a difference.  

10 years of experience in the wellness industry has brought me to an understanding that when you’re ready – you’ll do it. So when you are, I’m here to help simplify your fitness.

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