There is debate in the strength training community as to whether or not specific core training needs to be done if an individual is lifting heavy weights in a well-balanced compound lifting program or not. Some say yes and some say that lifting and properly activating with bracing is enough.
I don’t believe just lifting heavy is the adequate core training for life and especially not for sport. While I believe proper bracing and breathing technique are an integral part of core training, there are too many variables in both situations for general strength training to be enough.
I suggest at least 4-9 sets/week of each “Anti” movement resistance pattern (depending on your goals, demands, and training level) along with your general strength training.
Once you’ve progressed to Level 3 and performing isotonic exercises I suggest 4-6 sets/week or potentially more depending on sport-specific demand and goals.
Depending on your goals, these sets can be done before, during, or after main strength / other body part work. If you’re dealing with any kind of pain or need to focus on the core – starting your workout with it can be helpful.
As you can see, the majority of your training should ALWAYS be mainly ‘anti-movement work as that’s not only the main function of the core, but it’s what life demands of us most. This schedule may look different for someone who needs more sport-specific training, but the majority should still be based on stability.
This exercise list is not an exhaustive one as there are many creative and varied ways to train the core, but for general strength and function, this should be all you need.