Healthy Habits

Last week I made a post about all the things I do that most people don’t think a “fitness professional” would do, just to prove that I’m human too.

Well I’d like to highlight that despite all those things, I’ve still managed to stay in pretty good shape, I feel good for the most part considering my 6 month old JUST started sleeping through the night, and I currently supply him with all the milk he could ever drink.

How have I managed that? 

Luckily, all the good habits I’ve instilled over the years are still at play so here are 10 things that I do that keep my mental and physical health going strong.

Drink 24-32 oz of water upon waking. 

Sometimes with apple cider vinegar, sometimes not. Depends on how I feel but if not I’ll get it in later in the day. That not all I drink obviously, but it helps me get a good start to the day and helps me be mindful of continuing to get my water in. I don’t always hit a gallon, but I’m usually close. 

Collagen coffee. 

Coffee is life, and collagen helps me get my daily protein requirement. Breakfast. If I eat breakfast, it’s always big and healthy. 2-3 eggs with veggies & sweet potatoes, oatmeal with peanut butter, fruit & protein powder. If I don’t eat breakfast I will usually have another cup of coffee with a scoop of protein. 


I ALWAYS have food on me. I always make sure that I have healthy bars, dried fruit, nuts, or jerky with me at all times. In my car, in my purse, in the house, in my pocket. Seriously. It’s rare to ever find me without food. 

Bulk cooking. 

While I haven’t been specifically “meal prepping” whenever I cook, I cook for multiple meals. Not like 2 or 3 but like 5 or 6. Always having something healthy available in the fridge is so key – even if I’d rather have oreos… 

Sparkling water/ Zevia

I always have LaCroix, kombucha, or Zevia in the house. Something sweet, fizzy and satisfying for when I’m feeling snacky but know I don’t need food. 

Stevia. Liquid Stevia Flavored drops. 

If you haven’t heard of these before, you need to go to amazon RIGHT NOW and buy them. You can have just about any flavor you want, calorie free, completely natural. You only need like 2 drops. Its like 12x the sweetness of white sugar so proceed with caution. They go great in things like sparkling water, yogurt, coffee, baked goods. 

3x/week lift non negotiable. 

I don’t care whats going on in your life there is very rarely a good excuse to not get 3 good lifts in/week. Is this my ideal? No, its not and sometimes I get more – but I NEVER get less. I’ve been getting up at the butt crack of dawn lately to get these in just because I feel good getting it done early. 


I’ve always loved smoothies and they’re such a great way to pack tons of nutrients (and calories) into one delicious beverage. I have them probably 4-5x/week – spinach, fruit, protein powder, peanut butter, milk – and whatever else is in the fridge. 


It’s SO easy when you work from home to stay inside all day, but ever since Ezzie was born I’ve made it a point to get outside with him and go on a walk in the early afternoons. Even on the cold days, we bundle up and get moving. Rain, not so much but we haven’t had a ton of that luckily.

These are things that I’ve either been doing for years, or have recently adopted in order to keep my life based around health.

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Hi, I'm Brooke

Women’s Functional Nutritionist & Fitness Specialist along with CEO of Elysian Women’s Wellness.

God, family, fitness – in that order.  Fitness isn’t my job, it’s my passion. My favorite things include traveling the world, being a mama and making a difference.  

14 years of experience in the wellness industry has brought me to an understanding that when you’re ready – you’ll do it. So when you are, we’re here to keep you simply well.


The last “program” you’ll ever buy. Your individualized training & nutrition plan that teaches the why & how to create lasting changes with me by your side every step of the way!


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