Sleep and Your Wellness Journey

In today’s society of the “Rise and Grind” mentality, sleep is an important element in your wellness journey that is often neglected. It is the foundation for making all other factors of wellness; nutrition, physical fitness, and mental health function at peak performance. Sleep ties into each one to get the wheels greased and keeps you running smoothly. 

Let’s take a quick dive into what a healthy sleep cycle looks like, why sleep is so important, and how it ties into each of the pillars of wellness.

What Does a Healthy Sleep Cycle Look Like?

A healthy sleep cycle includes 4 stages of sleep: Three non-REM (or Rapid Eye Movement) stages and one REM Stage. 

Stage 1:

Very light sleep. This is when you’re falling asleep and/or in a drowsy state. Your breathing and heart rate are starting to slow down, muscles are beginning to relax, and sometimes you get those occasional muscle twitches, these are called “hypnic jerks” or “sleep starts.”.

Stage 2:

Light sleep., Here everything slows down even more, and eye movement stops. 

Stage 3:

Deep sleep. This is where the good stuff happens. Your body uses this stage for recovery. During this stage tissue is repaired, growth happens and cell regeneration occurs. The immune system is also strengthened in deep sleep. If you wake up during this stage you will most likely feel groggy.

Stage 4:

REM is the final stage and is where your crazy dreams take place! Brain activity is markedly increased during this time as well as eye movement (hence the name). 

A full night’s sleep encompasses each of these stages, multiple times, at different intervals. A healthy night of sleep typically means you’ve slept for 8 hours and have spent the majority of the time in light sleep, and at least 1.5-2 hours in deep sleep/REM.

Why Sleep is Important & How It Ties In

For so many the struggle of good sleep is a frustrating battle. Did you know that 25% of the American population has been diagnosed with a sleep disorder? Many of us know how impossible it can feel at times to get a full night’s sleep, but let’s talk about why it’s important to try.

A primary task for sleep is hormone regulation. There are two important hormones that sleep helps to regulate; Ghrelin and Leptin. Ghrelin handles increases in appetite, while Leptin triggers decreases in appetite, and together they deal with food satiation or “fullness”.  This is key to nutrition and better decision-making regarding foods. Sleep deprivation can also slow metabolism, and affect cortisol (also known as the stress hormone), which is a major factor in weight loss and brain function, as well as other bodily functions. 

Another important hormone that sleep can trigger is the growth hormone. We read that cell regeneration and muscle repair happen during deep sleep. This is a requirement for your body to recover after a workout and keep functioning/progressing properly. BEYOND that, nobody likes to work out when they’re feeling exhausted and lack of recovery can lead to injury.

So what does this mean for you?  

When you get a full night’s sleep you wake up and make a better breakfast choice. This breakfast choice leads to you feeling better about yourself and happy to be that much closer to achieving your goals. This good night’s sleep also provided you with the energy to get a workout in. Studies have shown that this workout will help to combat depression and anxiety. Your physical activity also releases that nasty pent-up cortisol hormone which means you are feeling less stressed. After your workout, you make another great meal choice to fuel your body and recover. This workout also leads to another good night’s sleep, because you’ve worked your body and are feeling good. Thus, the wellness circle of life continues to another day!

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Hi, I'm Brooke

God, family, fitness – in that order.  Fitness isn’t my job, it’s my passion. My favorite things include traveling the world, being a momma and making a difference.  

10 years of experience in the wellness industry has brought me to an understanding that when you’re ready – you’ll do it. So when you are, I’m here to help simplify your fitness.

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