Asking for help is not my strong suit…

As an Enneagram 8 and a Pisces – I’m extremely independent.

Growing up with a single mom who worked her butt off for my brother and me, without a father, and basically from middle school on having very little supervision – I learned to take care of myself.  

Get my own butt up and catch the bus to get to school, make breakfast, and lunch, before practice snack.  It was on me to make sure I had my homework and brushed my teeth…and honestly…I’m so grateful. 

What she taught me through that was invaluable and her demonstration of work ethic and never-ending love was more than enough of what I needed to thrive.  

That being said…I’m still learning to recognize when I need to ASK for help.  

I don’t read the instructions, I skip the tutorial walkthroughs and despite me on a daily basis telling everyone I work that if they need ANYTHING – “PLEASE ASK”, I will always hesitate to reach out.

I’ve taken self-guided courses, read books, listened to podcasts…for the last 10 years…and finally caved to the fact that MAYBE I would be better off having someone help me …

MAYBE I could be faster and more efficient with a coach…


Sounding familiar to anyone? 

When I took the leap to hire a business mentor…this was a BIG step for me.  

Ugh. A $10,000 step. 

I’m here to tell you I was humbled and pushed out of my comfort zone in ways I never have BUT a year later and I’m SO MUCH BETTER OFF. 

So much so that I was able and completely willing to invest ANOTHER 10k into it.

It was nerve-wracking, and it was uncomfortable but taking that one step has made it easier to take several others that have not only helped me grow as a business owner but as a person.

It has made investing in myself in other areas so much less scary because I know and FEEL the benefits. 

Coaching is an investment in YOURSELF.

An investment that will come back 10-fold to you when…

You get that promotion at work because your confidence has increased, OR MAYBE YOU GET A BETTER JOB ALL TOGETHER!

You have more energy to play with your kids.

Your relationship with your significant other improves because YOU’RE initiating intimacy.

Coaching is NOT an unnecessary expense.  

What will be an expense is the hospital bills.  

The prescription medication.  

The sick days off work.

So if you’re where I was and hesitant to invest in yourself – I feel you, but I’m also here to tell you that YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.

If you NEED to be there and know you need to ask for help but are feeling resistance…check out my FREE COMMUNITY of like-minded women who are losing fat, gaining energy, and toning up with all the support and resources I provide!


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Hi, I'm Brooke

God, family, fitness – in that order.  Fitness isn’t my job, it’s my passion. My favorite things include traveling the world, being a momma and making a difference.  

10 years of experience in the wellness industry has brought me to an understanding that when you’re ready – you’ll do it. So when you are, I’m here to help simplify your fitness.

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