Motivation is a highly personal and unique aspect of our lives. Many people often wonder how to stay motivated, seeking answers that will help them maintain their drive and determination. While motivation varies from person to person, there are fundamental principles that can guide us in discovering our own sources of inspiration. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of identifying our “why” and how it can fuel our motivation to achieve our goals.

Motivation is not a one-size-fits-all concept. What keeps one person motivated might not work for another. Therefore, it’s essential to recognize that each of us has distinct factors that drive us forward. However, by examining our own motivations, we can gain insights into what propels us toward success.

Personally, my motivation stems from two primary sources:

Continuous self-improvement: I strive to be better each day. While engaging in activities like exercising, staying hydrated, and maintaining a healthy diet may not be the sole means of achieving personal growth, they undoubtedly contribute to a sense of progress and accomplishment.

Surrounding myself with like-minded individuals: I have intentionally surrounded myself with people who share my ambition. Observing my clients as they push through their workouts, even on days when they lack motivation, inspires me to do the same. Their dedication and perseverance create a powerful ripple effect that motivates me to stay on track.

The Reality of Motivation:
It’s important to acknowledge that nobody possesses unwavering motivation every single day. We all experience moments of doubt, fatigue, or lack of enthusiasm. Therefore, instead of relying solely on fleeting motivation, it’s crucial to discover a deeper, more sustainable source of inspiration.

The Power of “Why”:
To uncover your intrinsic motivation, ask yourself the question “why” repeatedly. This process allows you to delve deeper into the underlying reasons behind your goals. Let’s explore an example:

Me: What is your goal?

You: I want to lose 15 lbs.

Me: Why?

You: So I can have more energy.

Me: Why?

You: So after a long day of work, I can come home and have the energy to play with my kids, exhibit patience, and show them they’re loved.

Me: Why?

You: Because being a good mother is one of my life values and highest priorities.

Me: Why?

You: Because my own mother wasn’t able to fulfill that role for me, and I don’t want my children to experience the same.

Me: Why?

You: Because I want to break the generational cycle and provide my children with the best life possible.

Unleashing the Power of “Why”:
As you can see from the example, the initial goal of losing 15 lbs transformed into a motivation rooted in significant life values. Discovering this deeper meaning fuels a sense of purpose and commitment. It’s not just about the physical results; it’s about creating a better life and breaking negative patterns.

Embracing Motivation:
Once you identify your “why,” it becomes a driving force in your life. The desire to achieve results, uphold your values, and break cycles motivates you to stay consistent, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. Remember, it’s not always about feeling motivated—it’s about embracing your purpose and maintaining unwavering dedication.

Motivation is a deeply personal journey. While there is no universal formula for staying motivated, understanding your “why” can ignite a powerful fire within you. By recognizing the significance of your goals, values, and aspirations, you can tap into a wellspring of motivation that will propel you forward. So, find your why, and keep showing.

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Hi, I'm Brooke

God, family, fitness – in that order.  Fitness isn’t my job, it’s my passion. My favorite things include traveling the world, being a momma and making a difference.  

10 years of experience in the wellness industry has brought me to an understanding that when you’re ready – you’ll do it. So when you are, I’m here to help simplify your fitness.

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