Are your habits setting you up for success?

Is your environment setting you up for good habits?

A book that changed my life and my coaching.

Atomic habits.

Our life is made up of routines and habits.  

Good ones, bad ones, neutral ones.

From the time you wake up in the morning, the coffee you drink, your route to work…

Most of our habits have been created subconsciously and thus are followed the same way. 

So what if you want to CHANGE those habits?

There are FOUR RULES:

  • Make it OBVIOUS
  • Make it ATTRACTIVE
  • Make it EASY
  • Make it SATISFYING.

If it’s not those four things, chances are it won’t stick.

So let’s break that down.

  • Make it obvious:  If you’re trying to take your vitamins, instead of having them in the medicine cabinet – put them out on the counter.
  • Make it attractive: (Often the hardest one) If you don’t feel good after you take your vitamins first thing in the morning – take them at night instead.  Don’t like waking up early to work out?  Work out during your lunch break or after work instead.
  • Make it easy:  This doesn’t mean there isn’t effort, it just means that you’re not complicating it more than you need to.   Trying to eat more vegetables but hate prepping them?  Buy pre-chopped or frozen instead of fresh.  Order from a meal prep company already completely done.  Is your gym in the opposite direction from going home at night?  See if you can find a closer one!
  • Make it Satisfying:  Some things have their own intrinsic rewards, such as endorphins after a workout or seeing the results of your consistency – but that can take time.  One way to find satisfaction is by keeping track of your progress daily, even just checking a box on a piece of paper saying you reached your goal for the day can bring some satisfaction.  Other ways are to create a “reward” system once you reach small weekly or monthly goals. 

These are all things that I work on with my clients to create healthy, sustainable, and MAINTAINABLE habits that help them reach their goals.

There’s so much more gold in this book about the power of them and how to apply them to your life.

If you want to start working on this on your own.  Go buy Atomic Habits.

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Hi, I'm Brooke

God, family, fitness – in that order.  Fitness isn’t my job, it’s my passion. My favorite things include traveling the world, being a momma and making a difference.  

10 years of experience in the wellness industry has brought me to an understanding that when you’re ready – you’ll do it. So when you are, I’m here to help simplify your fitness.

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